
Friday, September 20, 2013

Importance of organizational/ business/ managerial communication

Importance of organizational/ business/ managerial communication

Communication is one of the important part of organization. No organization can exist and grow without an effective communication system. Effective communication is required at various levels and for various aspects in an organization Communication is considered as blood circulation of an organization. Following are some of the importance of sound communication systems.

1.       Basis of management function: communication is the basis of managerial function. It plays a role of an important means in discharging management functions. Other functions of management like planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling etc. comes into operation only through means of communication. Without proper communication systems managers cannot devote their duties and responsibilities in effective way. They maintain coordination and productive relation among all the members of the organization. it helps to implement plans and policies in effective way to achieve organizational goals.

2.       An aid to decision making: communication is an aid to the process of decision making and planning. Decision making process requires basic information about the organizational strength and weakness along with opportunity and threats from the external environment. The information about these factors can be gained only through the means of communication. The quality of organizational decisions depends upon the effectiveness of the communication. The accuracy of planning also depends upon the accuracy of information gained by the organization. in the similar manner, the decisions and plans of organization need to be communicated to the internal as well as external environment.

3.       Smooth and efficient operation: the attainment of goals and objectives is the main motive of organizational functions. For this purpose, smoothness and efficiency in managerial and operating function are necessary. Communication facilitates to operate organizational function smoothly and efficiently. It helps to provide information of plans, policies, procedures and system of works to the internal as well as in some cases to the external business environment. Hence, the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business depends upon the effectiveness of communication network.

4.       Employee motivation and morale: management can keep close contact with employees to fulfill plans, policies, procedures and objectives of the organization. Communication facilitates to motivate employees and maintain their morality by providing information of management in clear way. They can get proper instruction and guidance from the management on time. Besides, communication is the means through which employees can provide their suggestion, difficulties and problems to the management. It ensures greater job satisfaction to the employees and encourages them to develop their working efficiency.

5.       Basis of sound human relation: communication helps to promote sound human relation among work groups of the organization. It facilitates to create mutual understanding and trust between management and subordinates. It plays the role of bridge between management and employees. Through means of communication, a manager can establish mutual confidence with all of his subordinates to attain common goals. Besides, subordinates can maintain mutual relation with their coworkers to transmit information of performance. This contributes to develop the feeling of team spirit and unity of action among work groups.

6.       Helps to maintain public relation: communication helps to maintain good image in the society. A good relation of enterprise with outside stakeholders especially with customers, creditors and public at large is a must. Communication is one of the indispensable means of developing favorable relation with public.

7.       Importance of written communication: Communication may be made through oral or written. In oral communication, listeners can make out what speakers is trying to say, but in written communication, text matter in the message is a reflection of your thinking. So, written communication or message should be clear, purposeful and concise with correct words, to avoid any misinterpretation of your message. Written communications provides a permanent record for future use and it also gives an opportunity to employees to put up their comments or suggestions in writing.

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