
Friday, September 20, 2013

Nature of business communication

Nature of business communication

·         A two-way traffic: There is no communication, unless the message send by the sender is not been received by the receiver. Since the communication is an exchange of views, opinions & directions. It involves both parties. For effectiveness of information, there must be two-way process in communication. 

·         Transfer and understanding of meaning: Communication is the transfer and understanding of meaning. If no information or ideas have been conveyed or transferred, communication hasn’t taken place.  For communication to be successful, the meaning must be imparted and understood

·         It is the life blood of the business: No business organization and no civilized society can exist, survive and grow without the existence of an effective communication network. Through communication, people working in an organization get activated and involved in performing a variety of roles for achieving organizational goals. Various mode of communication are used for people outside to expose them to the existence, products, profit and progress of the organization.

·         Pervasive function: communication is a pervasive managerial and organizational function. There are managers communicating with each other, their subordinates and also superiors. Implying that communication is pervasive in every part of an organization either internal or external

·         It is contextual: Communication happens with reference to a context. The same words would mean different things if they are said in different context. Hence, meaning differ in different situation

·         Continuous process: Communication is a continuous process up to the existence of the organization and its performance. It is known that “if no communication, there is no functioning in an organization. An organization uses communication as a means to transmit and gain information from both internal and external sources.

·         Communication is a social process: Human being is a social animal. He cannot live in isolation. Communication is a process which helps human being to interact and socialize making it a social process.

·         Oral or written: Generally, messages are communicated either orally or on written basis. Then messages are important and carrying evidential or formal information, it is appropriate to use written means. And for general and regular information, it is sufficient to use oral means

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